Monday, August 26, 2013


Hey homies, I've been thinking a lot about my future lately and what I can do to make some changes in my life, but I never really exactly thought about my goals or what I actually want to achieve. So I decided I'd make a list of things I want to do, within the next month/year/decade/lifetime. Some may be small dreams and goals and others may be huge and dramatic, but this is just a list of things that I am hoping to do in my future (near or distant), and I'm sure I'll be adding more to it later. 

1. Go on a trip.
I would love to see anywhere in the world, honestly. I won't be too picky. I plan on buying this money bank from my work that holds up to $500 in small change (I will probably occasionally slide some bills in there too). There is no way to get into this pot unless you smash it, and it is bad luck to smash it before it is full. You are supposed to spend the money from the pot on something positive and something that makes you happy, so I think putting the money towards a trip is a great thing to do! Plus, I don't want bad luck, so I won't be breaking it before it's full to spend it on silly stuff.

2. Live in British Columbia. 
Whether I work in a hotel there for the summer, or move there next year for college, or move there to get started in my career - I will be moving there. My dad and his sisters were born there, and lived there up until a few years ago. I used to visit about twice a year, and every time I went I was astonished by all of the natural beauty. I love that you get to see not only mountains, but the ocean as well and it is just so absolutely perfect. I haven't visited in a few years, but ever since my last trip I have been longing to go back.

3. Lose weight. 
I didn't really want to put this on this list, but it is something I have wanted for quite some time now and I am desperate for it to happen. Since becoming vegan, I actually have lost a bit of weight, especially around my stomach and legs. But not enough. I am going to become more active and actually start working out daily. I don't want to be anorexic or creepy skinny, I just want to be healthier. I want to have a toned body, not a fat body. This goal is not to impress anybody else, it is just so that I become a little more happy and comfortable in my own body. 

4. Get my license and a car.
I'm sure this is like, everyone's goal. However, I have been putting this off forever, and I really need to get on it. If I take drivers education soon, I can get my license at the end of September. I am desperately going to need my license and a car next year if I have to go to school somewhere else. Plus, I'd love to be able to drive myself around rather than begging people for rides. I am 18, I shouldn't have to beg people to drive me around!

5. Grow my hair out. 
I have not cut or dyed my hair in 5 months now, and I am very proud of myself. If you don't know me, I am obsessed with changing my hair colour and changing my look all the time. But since grade 9, my hair has been very short and dead (because of the dying/straightening and also because I wasn't getting enough nutrients because my body wasn't used to not eating meat, etc). I got my hair cut off in grade 9 because my mom made me, claiming that it was too dead. However, the hair that I got cut off didn't really grow back. Until about 2 years ago, then it started growing a tiny bit but I was still obsessed with dying it and straightening it, so it never grew out nicely and I'd have to cut it off again. But now it is longer than it has been in a LONG time, and my roots are about an inch and a half or two inches long and I am loving it. I plan on growing my hair out completely to my natural hair colour, and not cutting it for at least another 7 months or so (unless it starts to look really horrible). I put coconut oil in it frequently, and use vegan, chemical free shampoo to avoid additional damage. I am hoping it will at least reach my underarms, then I will be content because I want it to look good NATURALLY, without having to straighten it or blow dry it. I want to be able to wake up and not worry about doing my hair because it will look good and healthy and natural. 

6. Meet a celebrity. 
This one speaks for itself I'm sure. Anyone from Ryan Reynolds to Zayn Malik will do. Okay, thanks. 

7. Get another cat.
I will obviously have to wait until I move out of my mothers basement, but I want a girl kitty. I will be naming her Princess Sophie (or Princess *something* depending on what suits her). I actually also want another male cat as well, and I want to name him Finn after the late Cory Monteith, because I am still extremely saddened by his death and he was the first, and only celebrity to make me cry while watching a TV episode, so I think he deserves to have a cat named after him. Plus he was an absolutely beautiful person inside and out, just like my cat will be.

8. Go on a road trip with my friends.
I know that this is sort of like my "go on a vacation" goal, and I know that I don't have many friends, but I would love to go on a road trip with the few that I do have. I am sure this is self explanatory, because every young adult wants to do this. This goal is even more of a reason for me to work on number 4 (get my license and a car). Also, to go along with this goal, I desperately want a hippie van. The ones where you can sleep in the back, some even have mini kitchens. I just think that'd be wicked, especially for a road trip. 

8. Swim with dolphins.
Self explanatory. They are my favourite animals, they are so compassionate and beautiful and I am so jealous of the people who have swam with them. I was supposed to swim with some on my trip earlier this year but it never happened, and I am still very sad about that, so it must happen! Someday. 

I am done for now because I have a pounding headache, and I need to go out, and my iPad is at 5%, but I am sure I'll be adding more to this eventually. Also, I apologize if there are any spelling or grammatical errors, because I typed this whole thing out on my iPad and I'm sure we all know lots about our dear friend, autocorrect. Anyways, peace out, friends. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life Is Beautiful

Take the time to look around, look up some pictures of nature or pictures of places around the world and literally just take it in. Don't think of anything negative, just look at the place and picture yourself there. Think of the oceans and the mountains and the forests, and tell me that those things aren't beautiful. Personally, I think becoming a vegan and working for Green Earth (learning about Chakras and stones and stuff) has really opened my eyes. All I want to do is go to British Columbia (my favourite place in the entire world, forever and always) and I just want to enjoy every moment of it. I don't care if I go in the winter or the summer, I just want to go there. I don't want to have to worry about money or anything, I just want to go and enjoy how absolutely beautiful it is. I am starting to really realize how absolutely stunning nature is, and how much we take it for granted. Not even just nature, but the little things as well. We are so damn busy looking at our texts or scrolling through Twitter and Facebook that we don't take the time to notice the things around us, the people around us, the life around us. I want to start appreciating everything, and enjoying everything. I am already much happier than I used to be, but I think trying to actually enjoy my surroundings instead of drowning myself in my phone or hiding out in my basement will make me feel even happier. I want to stop complaining that it's too hot out, or that it's raining. I also want to stop caring so much about the material things and the things I don't have. I want to just love and appreciate what I do have and stop dwelling on what I don't. I also want to travel now, more than ever because I want to see the world. I want to see all of the beauty, and nature and just everything. I don't want to go just to stay in a five star hotel somewhere and go shopping all day. I want to hike up mountains and go in the ocean and collect shells and rocks, and I want to fall more in love with nature and maybe while I'm travelling I will do memorable, selfless things just for the sake of helping. Like helping baby sea turtles get back to the water, or helping rehabilitate elephants in Thailand. Okay, I am done now. I need to go to bed. But seriously friends, take a look around. We live in a beautiful world (despite the fact that we are destroying it inch by inch), and we really need to notice it a little more because I think we will all be completely different people if we put down the technology for a bit and enjoy the finer things.


I'm Starting To Believe

So, I have been working at Green Earth for 2 weeks now. I absolutely love it (although someone I work with made me feel like poop yesterday). Anyways, when I first started working there, I thought my coworkers were wacko-jacko, but since starting there, I have started to believe in a lot of new things that I never thought I would ever believe. I am becoming very interested in gemstones and meditation and the 7 Chakras. A few days ago, I bought my first ever stone necklace. The stone is a Yellow Adventurine. It is beautiful. I also bought an Evil Eye bracelet (look up Evil Eyes if you don't already know what they are) and I bought a Buddha key chain. I've carried all three of those things with me since I bought them. Then yesterday, I got 5 meditation stones (you can also just carry them around with you when you want to feel their benefits/healing powers), I also got yet another stone necklace and that stone is a Carnelian. The other thing I got yesterday was a Rose Quartz pendulum. I never thought I would ever believe in the powers of a pendulum, but it is really starting to fascinate me and I think I will use it even to ask it simple questions like, "should I wear this shirt?". I cleansed some of my stones in sea salt last night, and I am cleansing the rest tonight. Tomorrow I am going to start meditating! I figure it's a good time to start because... 
  • it's Monday, which is the beginning of the week (in my opinion at least)
  • I am going to be organizing/cleaning/getting rid of things I don't need/don't want 
  • and I am going to start working out and doing yoga 
So I am making a few changes starting tomorrow and I think that makes it a perfect time to start meditating and putting my stones to good use to see if they really work! I can definitely say that I have felt a change in myself since working at Green Earth and since believing in the stones and products we have at my work, but that may also just be a coincidence. I feel a little more relaxed, and I also feel happier in general. My relationships with people have improved and I seem to be much more energetic, even if I am not feeling too well that day. But the more I think about it, the more I think it is actually just from getting my life together and from also becoming vegan (around the same time I got the job). However, it doesn't hurt to believe in something. :) So I will update you all after my meditation tomorrow. I am a little scared, simply because I have people come in to the store complaining about huge headaches after meditating, and I already get bad enough headaches as it is. Regardless, it's still worth a shot and I will be trying it tomorrow when I get home (unless I get too overwhelmed with cleaning and organizing, then I will do it Tuesday). I am also going to looking further into going to yoga or meditation sessions, and I am also becoming very interested in Buddhism and our chakras, so I'll update you on my research as well. Bye for now. 

Kitty Picture

Tonight's kitty picture come from my grandmas computer, yet again. This is how I am feeling today/tonight, so the picture works perfectly. Thanks mama for having adorable pictures of cats under a folder called "comfy cats". Love it!

Keep calm and kitty on. 

Pet Peeves

Okay, so I was just sitting on the couch thinking about stuff while I was watching TV and I started thinking about all of my pet peeves for some odd reason. So, I figured I'd share some of them with you, because some of them I really just need to talk about because they are just, I don't know. So here goes nothing, my list of random/stupid/questionable pet peeves:

1. "Pet peeves". Let's be serious here. Why are they called pet peeves? Why. It bugs me because I simply do not understand, so if someone would care to elaborate that would be great. (I am not going to do extensive research like I did with my previous unicorn dilemma). "Pet peeves" is one of my pet peeves because I don't understand why they're called pet peeves!

2. People who try to change my lifestyle/diet and think it's okay. I have been a vegetarian for 6 years and a vegan for 2 weeks and 2 days, and people still try and change that by saying rude and insensitive things such as, "eat a burger" or "eat some meat because you're not going to change the world." Okay, well just so everyone knows, I do not think I am going to change the world. I just don't want to be a contributor to animal abuse/neglect/slaughter and I don't want to encourage anything regarding the mistreatment of animals. I don't try to change anyone else's views or outlooks on eating meat and animal by-products, so I don't know why people can't just accept my choices and be a little more considerate. I never try and tell people they shouldn't or can't eat meat, because that is their own personal choice and this is mine.

3. Girls and cats. I know that doesn't really count as a pet peeve, but I dislike a lot of girls, and especially girls who pretend to be who they are not. Ever since I can remember, I have been obsessed with cats and anything with cats on it or anything involving cats. I have numerous cat shirts, cat bags, cat pins, cat sweaters and vests and more and all of the sudden, it's a trend to wear cat attire and to be overly obsessed with cats. It bugs me because girls are just doing it to get some attention. It's okay to love and adore cats, but when you act overly obsessed with them just because it's a trend, well that bugs me because I have always been super into cats and cat clothing and now all of these girls think they're so cute wearing their cat shirts and taking pictures with their cat phone cases (which might I add, I had a lovely cat case a year ago and people made fun of me for it hmmmm). Anyways, I know this is a ridiculous thing to be bothered about but I am okay? Especially when it's girls I dislike taking pictures of their "new kitty shirt" and ugh.

4. People who only care about themselves, but act like they do everything for everyone else. These people bug me so much because it is so obvious that they just have a huge-ass ego. When you brag about all of this "stuff" that you do for other people, then you really don't do it for the sake of being a good person, you do it because you want the attention for doing "something nice" or "something admirable". A lot of people are fooled by these fakers. They think that they genuinely are compassionate and nice and everything that they aren't. They are bullshitters, and they bug me so much. I know some people with parents like this, and it just bugs me so much, because they think that they're this perfect citizen who only cares about everyone else and not themselves. Yet I hear them put down their kid constantly, and then they gloat about the "good things" they do for other people and then they brag about themselves, thinking that I am not fooled by the fact that the whole time they were technically bragging about themselves (because they don't give anyone else a chance to speak or talk about their day or anything). No thanks. Do. Not. Like.

Okay, well that is the end of my pet peeves rant, for now. I have plenty more, trust me. I'm sure I'll blog about them another day, but for now I am finished. Sorry if none of them really made sense, those are just the things that bug me and I was raging/ranting and wasn't really paying attention to what I was saying. Anyways, love you all (aka probably still just my mom).

Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Picture A Day

Okay, I know I said goodnight already but I just decided that I am going to be posting a picture a day. This is not going to be a "selfie" a day, or a picture of me, or my friends or whatever (although I am sure I will post those pictures as well). I am going to be posting pictures of cats (1 or more a day). They may be funny or cute or absolutely ridiculous, depending on the day but I can promise you all (well, the two of you that have been on my blog), that I am going to post awesome cat pictures each day, and I can promise you that it will make you smile. If cat pictures don't make you smile then you need to reevaluate your entire existence.
Found tonight's picture on my grandma's computer in a folder called "comfy cats". This is why she is my all time favourite person.

Keep calm and kitty on, my friends.

This Is Real, This Is Me and I Like Food

Hello there, you lovely people (however, I highly doubt anyone will be reading this... ever). My name is Taylor, but I would like you to refer to me as the "Vegan Cat Queen" because simply put, that is what I am. I am 18 years young and am going to college in a week and a half (so be prepared to hear all about it). Anyways, I would like to formally welcome you all (aka probably just my mom) to my extremely exciting blog full of absolute nothingness. I am hoping that soon enough my blog will no longer be nothingness, but that it will blossom into a beautiful and glorious full of kittens and unicorns and rainbows and some other cool shit that I, and hopefully you enjoy. Now maybe I should tell you a little bit about myself...

As you can already tell, I enjoy unicorns, rainbows, "cool shit" and kittens. 
First of all, who doesn't love unicorns? They have those cool horn things... Okay, seriously what are they called? Are they uni-horns? Are unicorn horns called uni-corns? Is that thing on their head a uni-corn? Why do they have corn horns on their heads? I am actually so confused and will probably research it and update you later (if you don't already know) because this is a serious matter and I am so uneducated and confused and dammit, why didn't I learn this stuff in school? I am sure it has such a simple answer too and I am just. Okay. Next.  

I am not going to go into detail about rainbows because we all know what rainbows are, and we all know that they are wonderful and when we picture rainbows we picture happiness, am I right? Also, thankfully enough, rainbows aren't confusing as hell like the unicorn dilemma I am currently having (as discussed above). So to sum it all up, I like rainbows because they are far more simple than unicorns. 

Now for the "cool shit". I like tons of cool shit. I like to sleep (how cool is that?). I also like to read, and to knit with my grandma. Haters gonna hate, right? I also am absolutely obsessed with horror movies (I love comedies and that stuff too, but horrors are my go-to movie genre). I don't like being taken too seriously and I also like to be 100% myself, so I wear cat vests and ugly-ass sweaters and like to make weird videos of myself rapping to Kanye West with rice cakes (if I can post videos on here, I definitely will). I also like to do this thing called "curl up in a ball and play video games and watch Netflix all day and lie to everyone by saying that you have a ton of stuff to do so you can't hangout". That's just some of the "cool shit" I am into. 

As for the kitten part.. that is a whole other story and I will save most of it for another time. However, I would like you all (probably still just my mom) to know that I am madly in love with and obsessed with cats. I have had cats all my life, and have always loved anything involving cats. I currently have the best cat on the entire planet named Notch and consider him my best friend. He is extremely weird, cuddly and definitely not a vegan like myself. (I am sure he would love to tell you all about the mice he tortures several times daily). Anyways, I can assure you that my blog will consist of a lot of cute kitty pictures and quite a few posts regarding cats (especially my little Notcho) as well. 

Okay, I have definitely said enough. This post has taken me forever, because I have been overly distracted watching a movie called "Ghost Shark". Yes, that is a thing. Yes, that exists. Yes, to answer your question, it absolutely, 100% sucks total ass-balls. Well anyways, I am going to work on making this blog a little more visually appealing now. So yeah, that's me. I can't exactly tell you what my blog is going to be about or what I am going to be posting because quite frankly, I do not know at all... I just made this in hopes that it would entertain me and fill my time, which it is currently doing. I am sure I will post lots however, because I am a moody bitch and will have plenty to say, especially when school starts. Anyways, I am really going now because I am getting extremely tired. Okay bye. 

PS. I figured out the unicorn dilemma. 
Apparently, according to some grumpy broad on Yahoo Answers, a unicorns horn is definitely called a horn. Apparently the horn is not in any way made out of corn (dammit). Apparently "Unicorn" is Latin and the Latin word for horn is "cornu" and as we all know, uni means one. So that is where the word came from. That. Is. So. Boring. I liked my assumptions better. I am going to stick with those. 

Goodnight, y'all.